Sunday, February 7, 2010

From Zoe: Day 1

We just finished our first meal with the kids. Everyone is very
friendly. I shook so many hands and received so many hugs, I don't know
how I will remember all the names.

The scenery is stunning. The trees flower yellow, orange, pink and
purples. There is new construction all over. Five and six story modern
glass structures with large balconies sit side by side with clay homes
that often lack a door. Even the humblest home appears impeccable for
all the red dirt and dust that covers the ground. Around the richer
neighborhoods, everything is well landscaped.

The village is an hour outside of town. We passed many fields,
hut-filled mountains, goats, bulls, chickens, men with tall grasses on
their heads, and women carrying babies on their backs and bananas in the
large basket-hats. Children carry water jugs back to their homes, and
occasionally bicycles piled high with pineapples or wood would push past
our van. It is a beautiful city.

Clouds keep the sky dark tonight, but maybe tomorrow I will get a good
look at the stars.

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