Monday, February 8, 2010

From Rick

A very long day here at ASYV. First a nice warm shower...that's right
people we had warm water this morning. (Although, Joseph and Rob's
shower knob shot off the fixture and had a jet of water across the
room.) Eddie and I were kind enough to lend our shower to them.
After being repeatedly hurried by Papa Smurf (BW) we ended up being a
bit late for the meal but again met some of the other kids. This
morning I carried a conversation with Simion who is in his second year
here at the village. In the second year the kids have a choice of
various programs for school. Simion's choice was rather technical
Mathematics, Physics, and Computers. Currently he's learning
statistics in his mathematics class and we had a very engaging
conversation about the topic. I was able to help him understand some
of the concepts as he was eager to understand and learn more. The
crazy thing is that it is hard to understand how influential the
conversation for Simion.

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