Thursday, October 21, 2010

From Jeff: Touchdown in Rwanda

We've just landed and are on our way to the village. Everyone is excited! Thought for a few minutes that our bags didn't make the trip, but in the end it was all good.


  1. Welcome to Rwanda.... you look like a Motley Crew.... have a great time and make a big difference to those you will serve and remember... no e-mails; no blackberrys... we will still be here when you get back.... have fun... perhaps the next time I will be able to join you and share in this wonderful testament to your personal and corporate committment.. from the Traveling Man... Got plenty of bags and baggage to weigh me down....

  2. Best of luck to all of you! I know that you're going to do great work this week, though probably without much sleep. :)

  3. Congratulations on the safe flight!

  4. Good morning to you alll hope you caught up on some sleep... enjoy your first day in Rwanda and work to make a difference... thinking about you....Derek and Anne J
