As Brian mentioned, every Monday is club night in the village. I attended TV club, which focuses on the journalistic approach of broadcasting and the technology used to create professional television news broadcasts. The students put on a weekly news broadcast on events happening around the village. The news is shown every Friday night during village time. This week’s club meeting was devoted to reviewing the news broadcast from the prior week, which showcased the opening ceremony for the new amphitheater. The amphitheater officially opened less than a month ago. The students celebrated the opening with many performances, including a short play, a fashion show and a few music and dance routines. We had toured the amphitheater earlier in the day, but the review of the news broadcast at TV club gave a clearer picture of the space while in use by the students.
The amphitheater is beautiful. The setting, like most at the village, provides stunning views of the valley below and the lakes in the distance. The amphitheater itself is constructed in traditional semi-circular fashion; over 10 rows high, with seating for close to 800. I have only experienced the space empty, however it doesn’t take much stretch of the imagination to picture memorable events being held here for years to come.
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