Thursday, February 18, 2010

From Eddie: Reflection

The trip to Rwanda was an eye-opening experience for me. I truly understand why Liquidnet is so involved with the ASYV - giving these children a second chance at life and better hope for their futures.

I went to Rwanda with six work colleagues and came back with six good friends. I feel honored to have shared such an experience with Dana, Zoe, Rob, Joseph, Brian and Rick.

Many things have been accomplished to get the ASYV to the point where it is today - everyone who has donated via goods, services, or monetarily should be proud.

However, there is much more to be done - we need to continue to do great things. I for one look forward to continued efforts for fund raising, donation drives, and providing support to the ASYV.

Below are some Pics:

1 - two children who live outside of the ASYV

2 - the Feb2010 Village People (sans Brian) during the gorilla trek (that's not Brian in the background)

3 - hanging with one of the 250 children at the village

4 - capacity crowd during "village time"; every Friday night

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